
Everything man does when it comes to women he does because it either moves him towards pleasure with women or moves him away from pain with women, at least that is what he believes.

For some men this kind of belief system works great and his success with women is all the proof he needs to continue believing.

But, what if your belief system actually has you moving towards pain and away from pleasure with women$%:

You can find yourself frustrated and confused until you are consciously able to break free from your old beliefs that aren't working when it comes to women.

Of course, knowing which beliefs are actually holding you back when it comes to attracting women can be hard to discover; especially when so many of the limiting beliefs are not only held by men and women alike but your circle of influence as well.

So how does one discover the limiting beliefs that he has when it comes to women$%:

One option is to begin writing down all the beliefs that you have when it comes to women and ask yourself what is that belief doing for me$%:

Another option is to begin modeling and learning from someone who is successful with women and discover what beliefs they have about women that are different from yours and begin to match theirs when it comes to women.

Now, it is important to remember that no matter which option you choose you are going to not only change your beliefs but replace them with beliefs that actually help you when it comes to attracting and being successful with women as well.

    創作者 nhbrennen10 的頭像


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