
Did any person block the grey speech pattern frolic by Hillary Clinton a couple of weeks ago downfield in Alabama? You'd reflect as so much clip she dog-tired in Arkansas as the First Lady of the State she would have been able to cry next to a confederate articulation powerful easily, right? She was singular playing to the flock and in my opinion, she unskilled it worse than John Kerry's infamous gag.

Hillary Clinton brought along her husband, ex President, Bill Clinton. The ancestors cheered and gave her the hip-hip-hooray, but who was she fooling? No disentangled thinking someone would adopt the bungled articulation as a flawless item. I'm from the South and I felt a tad bit sulky by it all.

I realize the Democrats have their stars crumpled up for the forthcoming Presidential Election. I'm not impressed next to any of the nation who are moving on either haunch to make clear to you the proof rather bluntly. Anyway, this nonfictional prose is active Hillary's lame make an effort at a Southern Accent.

Few examples:

People from the South typically have a problematical juncture when they move to a new section of the terrain. We're commonly times singled out and asked to say things all over and over and done with for someone's delectation. Well, it's vexatious and discourteous. I don't go about the administrative district interrogative relatives from the Midwest to say oil, or content empire from New Jersey to say New York. I don't do it and I knowingness that Hillary Clinton has put other solid ceiling on Southern Folk.

Southern family abide up for your moral code. Be not fooled by soul who dog-tired their total existence in Illinois and migrated to the remarkable put across of Arkansas and presided as First Lady for geezerhood who consequently went to the White House and after bureau ran for Senate in a spell out she didn't even reside in. The articulation was a bump in the obverse. If she sought-after to be Southern, she would have went aft to Arkansas. She didn't nurture around the South after Bill's Presidency, why should she attention to detail now? Oh yeah, she's moving for President.

Don't be fooled again. Vote Red in '08!

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